About Us
Our Offices
We are a firm of Chartered Accountants having offices in Dubai and Sharjah with 2 branches in Sharjah Airport International Free Zone and Syria. Our founder Dr. Mohammed Al Jeroudy (PhD) established our first professional practice in Sharjah in the year 1993 in the name of AL Basha Accounting & Auditing. Our Dubai office Al Jeroudy Accounting & Auditing, Dubai is established in the year 2000. Our Client base now includes clients from all over U.A.E. Having been in the profession for more than 20 years, we have nurtured the trust and confidence of the Business Community, Financial Institutions and Government Agencies in order to become a reputed audit firm in U. A.E.
Our strength
A team of highly qualified and widely experienced professionals dedicated to practice the profession at its highest standards and committed to provide the best services to the clients, leads our practices.
We are fully equipped to provide services to the wide spectrum of clients, from individuals to corporate entities; from small organizations to large companies; domestic and multinationals, in to-day’s fast growing business environment.
Our Standards
We follow International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and make sure International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are being followed in preparation of Financial Reports by our clients

Dr. Mohammad Al Jeroudy

Waiel Jairoudi
General Manager

Prem Thakur

Kasinathan Muthukumar
Audit Manager

Prashob Prakashan
Financial Manager

Ayman Abram
Administrative Manager